Where is the school located?
LENGUAVIVA language school is located right in the center of historic Sevilla in the Barrio El Arenal.
What is the average age of the students?
The average student is between 20-30 years old. There are also many students in their 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's... The minimum age is 14 years.
Where are the students from?
12% USA, 9% Germany, 9% Brasil, 7% France, 7% Eastern Europe, 5% Italy, 5% Africa, 4% Japan, 4% Netherlands, 4% Scandanavia, 4% UK, 3% Canada, 2% South Korea, Taiwan, China, 1% China, Sitzerland & Iceland. 20% from other nationalities! More than 52 nationalities the world over join us every year!
Does Sevilla has its own international airport?
Yes, the Airport "San Pablo" in Sevilla is about 20 minutes in taxi / bus from the city center.
Do you offer transfers from and to the airport?
Yes: Arrival = 85 Euros for 1 person, one way. For 2 persons or more = 55 Euros each, one way.
How is the weather?
Sevilla enjoys a mild climate, with the cooler and wetter months being November until February (5-20ºC / 41-68ºF). Our summers are hot and dry, ranging between 30ºC and 40ºC (86-104ºF). The nicest times of year are spring (March - June) and fall (September - November), when temperatures range from 20º to 30ºC (68-86ºF).
What should I bring with me?
Beside the personal things you will need to bring study materials like a dictionary and paper. You will buy the course books at the school. If you should forget something, don't worry - Sevilla has plenty of shops for anything you might need.
Do I need to take public transportation?
While most of the accommodations are within walking distance from the Lenguaviva school, you may have to take public transportation. For students living a bit further from the center, as well as when you want to get around the city faster, Sevilla has an excellent urban bus system, a brand new metro system, of which further lines are under construction and plenty of taxi's available.
Spanish Courses
At what time am I supposed to arrive at the Spanish school on my first day?
8:30am. Everyone has to take a written and oral placement test on the first day to ensure their placement in the correct course level.
Can I change the level of the course if I think it is too easy or to difficult for me?
Yes, the most important thing is that you are in the appropriate level and that you make good progress. Please talk to us in reception area as soon as possible.
Are there any extra costs for teaching material?
Yes. The workbook + textbook = 30€ per set. If you change levels you will have to buy that level's corresponding set.
Can I extend my stay for more Spanish courses once there?
In almost all cases, yes! However, it may depend on if it is high season or not. Please talk to our staff at the reception desk of the school. Generally we recommend to register for the whole time in advance, which will often get you a significant discount. There is a charge for changes made after arrival (see general terms).
How and when can I pay?
See the GENERAL TERMS page.
Can I stay a few extra days in my accommodation without taking a Spanish course?
Normally students arrive on Sunday before the course starts and leave on Saturday after the course finishes. Exceptions are possible but it depends if a new student is entering the accommodation. In any case, ask us and we will try to match your necessities. There will, however, be a charge for extra nights of accommodation: 45 euros per day in a single room, or 35 euros a day if you are in a double room (host families, student residences and shared apartments).
Do you have any special needs (non-smoking, allergies, vegetarian)?
We always try to make special arrangements for those students with preferences or health needs. To ensure placement in accommodations that fulfil your preferences, please try to register at least two months in advance.
May I wash my clothes in the accommodation or do I have to go to a laundry?
In the student residence or apartment and living with a Spanish family you will be able to wash your clothing. The host family will wash your clothes at least once a week and you will have access to a washing machine in the apartments and residences.
Can I change the accommodation if I do not like it?
It is very important to us that you feel comfortable for the duration of your stay. Please don't hesitate to talk to the staff at the school if you are for some reason unsatisfied with your accommodation and we will do our best to find the right place for you!
Do I have to bring bed-linen or towels?
Bed linen is included but towels are not.
How much pocket money will I need?
This depends on how much money you want to spend. If you live with a host family (with half board), a budget of 15 euros per day should be enough, whereas if you have to provide your food by yourself you might spend about 20-25 euros.
Does the school organize cultural activities?
We offer a variety of activities each week, not to mention one and two-day excursions organized on weekends. The majority of monumental visits are free of charge, while additional fees will be required for excursions and certain activities.
Does the school offer a travel and medical insurance?
Students are advised to get their own travel and medical insurance before departure, as we will not cover students for illness or accidents. If you wish to be insured through us, Lenguaviva offers you a private insurance costing 60€ for 4 weeks or less.
Do you offer Flamenco or Sevillanas lessons?
Yes! We offer a Spanish + Flamenco program that includes 20 Spanish lessons + 8 Flamenco lessons per week. See COURSES for details.